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We purchase class A and B apartment complexes in emerging markets that are poorly managed and under performing in such a way that we can add value both for our tenants and investors.

Levi Allen, Principal

We purchase class A and B apartment complexes in emerging markets that are poorly managed and under performing in such a way that we can add value both for our tenants and investors.

Levi Allen, Principal

We purchase class A and B apartment complexes in emerging markets that are poorly managed and under performing in such a way that we can add value both for our tenants and investors.

Levi Allen, Principal

The Deal Cycle

1. Acquisition


We strategically form relationships with brokers to increase deal flow as we locate, evaluate and tie up value-add class B&C apartment complexes that we purchase with our partners and investors through Regulation D 506 B and 506 C Syndications. We invest along side our investors with our own money on every transaction.

2. Reposition


Upon closing, our team begins executing the business plan. Most commonly consisting of upgrading interior units and addressing any deffered maintenance on the property.

3. Cash Flow


From day 1, our passive investor partners benefit from monthly distributions. Also, it is not uncommon to have a cash-out refinance in year 2-4, which is a non- taxable event. Where we return some capital back to investors, while still maintaining 30% or more equity in the property.

4. Disposition


Once our business plan has been executed and we have obtained forced appreciation, we will look to sell or refinance the property.






Projected Investor IRR


Avg. Projected Hold period (years)
